NOTE: If you’d like to learn more about your unique temperament, leadership style, and the BEST four-phase framework for new and creative leaders, visit my new website, Creatives Lead.

In this third and final installment let’s look at some of the general relationship strategies that we can use when working together with other “animal” temperaments? Listed below are some working ideas to help you better understand your team mates and/or colleagues and become ‘lord of the jungle’:

Lion TemperamentLions (D)

Wants You to Be: efficient and to the point

Provide Them With: options, information on what it does and by when, freedom to act, immediate action

General Strategies: be efficient and competent, support their goals and objectives, if you disagree – argue facts and not personal feelings, be precise, time disciplined, well organized, focus on the results or bottom-line, do not waste their time, let them make the decision

Otter TemperamentOtters (I)

Wants You to Be: stimulating and interesting

Provide Them With: quality, information on how it will enhance their status, increased talent, originality, uniqueness

General Strategies: be interested in them, support their dreams, feelings and opinions, be sociable, do not hurry the discussion – give them a chance to verbalize, try not to argue, don’t deal with details – put it all in writing, do not be shy, agree on the specifics of any arrangement

Retriever TemperamentGolden Retrievers (S)

Wants You to Be: cooperative and pleasant

Provide Them With: assurances, information on how it will affect their circumstances, popular ideas, risk sharing, reliability, assistance in presenting to others

General Strategies: be non-threatening and sincere, show personal interest and support their feelings, don’t push, move along in a slow manner, show that you are listening, be easy-going, assure them that you stand behind any decisions

Beaver Temperament Beavers (C)

Wants You to Be: accurate and precise

Provide Them With: evidence, information on how they can logically justify, systematic plans, progress reviews

General Strategies: be thorough and well planned, support their thoughtful approach, demonstrate through action rather than words, be exact, organized, and prepared, give them time to verify your words, don’t rush decision making, avoid gimmicks, provide evidence that what you say is true and accurate

I hope these last three articles have been helpful and have added additional “tools” to your management and personal communication “tool belt”. As always, the application of knowledge is often the hardest part. Take what you’ve learned and move out one step at a time. Even if you pick out just one strategy to work on over the next couple weeks, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Related Links
Understanding the Animal Temperaments
Leadership Styles: Dictatorial, Authoritative, Consultative, Participative
Leadership Styles: When To Use Them
How Leadership Styles Affect Productivity
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