By E. Brown

smss_logoDay 2 is down but not out. In today’s line up was Mari Smith, Jason Alba, and Ann Handley. Mari covered the in’s and out’s of using Facebook for business while Jason revealed the power and reach of using LinkedIn. Finally, Ann ended the day with her Top 5 reasons to be on Twitter and listed some of the tools she uses.

My take aways from the today’s Summit are listed below. I have broken then down by Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Create a loyal following by:

  1. Optimizing your profile
  2. Choosing your core message
  3. Creating a fan page
  4. Adding “friends” strategically
  5. Thinking about relationships first
  6. Creating viral visibility
  7. Running tests with social ads
  8. Adding Facebook to your overall marketing strategy

Also, use as another means to networking and creating community. You can pull your Twitter tweeps, Facebook friends, and Google contacts in as well.


  • Create a comprehensive and complimentary Social Strategy for your organization
  • Tie your Twitter tweets to your LinkedIn status updates
  • Use keyword phrases in your profile summary
  • Export your LinkedIn contacts to a personal database for backup and mining
  • Use the Slideshare app for displaying presentations
  • 2-Minute Per Week Strategy = accepting/rejecting connections and asking/answering questions

Why use Twitter? Here are several reasons:

  • Create a strong community of followers
  • Use it to provide Customer Service
  • Stronger brand awareness
  • Networking
  • Monitoring the online community conversation in regard to your organization

Tools to use:
– Tweetie (iPhone app)

Related Links
Social Media Summit Day 1
– Social Media Summit Day 2